Member Feature
Grant Want - Aucor Property
“Ensure you do everything by the book. In this game, you have to dot your I’s and cross your T’s when it comes to legalities.”
This is the advice given to new entrants into the market by Greg Want, Managing Director of Aucor Property.
Greg has been involved in the industry for 17 years, having started out in the property auction environment in the mid 2000’s. Before that, he obtained his honours in B.Com Exercise Science and worked for a well-known gym. He was recruited by a leading auction house in 2006, where he joined as Operations Manager for Gauteng.
In 2012, he started Aucor Property. “Starting a new company off the back of some negative sentiment in the market,” was one of the biggest challenges. Greg says that, at the time of starting Aucor Property, the industry was receiving a lot of criticism, which still continues to this day, and that they have had to work overtime to dispel those negatives. The highlight was starting the company with a team of seasoned experts. Another highlight has been “continuing to post good results when markets are depressed as well as when things are looking up.”
Operating nationwide, Aucor Property focuses on commercial properties, including industrial, retail, land, farm, and corporate disposals. They also do some residential properties.
The company has had many accomplishments, some of the biggest being trading profitably through COVID, and retaining staff during that time, posting R1.8B in sales in 2022, and maintaining a well-seasoned team with limited turnover. A team Greg says he has enjoyed watching grow in experience and maturity.
The reason Aucor Property joined SAIA is because of the credibility that being a member offers. The industry that Aucor operates in thrives because of partnerships and accreditations. “The reason of the success behind what we do is that transparency that the process offers to both buyers and sellers alike,” Greg says.
We are grateful for our partnership with Aucor Property and look forward to seeing them thrive even more in the years to come.
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Aucor Property