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Membership Rising As Auctioneering Grows In Popularity 
Auctions are growing in popularity due to the speed of transactions and accessibility for buyers across the globe to bid via auctioneers’ own online portals.

With the right software, and assets to sell, almost anyone can begin to host auctions online, or so they think. The step between a bright concept to a fully fledged and compliant auctioneering business can be a big one and provided the founder wants to formalise the business there is help at hand.

According to Jacques Van der Linde, a board member of the South African Institute of Auctioneers (SAIA), it is preferable that new and expanding auctioneering concerns take up membership of the SA Institute of Auctioneers (SAIA) to ensure compliance with legislation and obtain technical and management assistance. He also notes that discerning bidders and sellers also insist on SAIA membership to ensure they are dealing with legitimate auctioneers.

Long serving

“SAIA is a well-established and professional industry led organisation that was established more than 35-years ago to lead and guide the industry. It plays an important role in developmental work and training that is geared to constantly raising the levels of professionalism within the industry. SAIA also actively protects the interests of all role-players in the industry including buyers, sellers and its auctioneer members. 

“The institute also acts as the regulating body of the auction industry and it is becoming a pre-requisite of many financial institutions, government departments, parastatals and others, to deal only with SAIA registered members to ensure transparent tender processes. 

Auctioneers are required to comply with specific regulations to become SAIA members and therefore we follow a due diligence process and ensure that the applicant auctioneers do conform to all the rules and regulations relating to the auction industry and have the correct documentation, procedures and processes in place,” says Jacques. 

Comprehensive assistance

He says once members “have signed the SAIA Code of Conduct and met all the requirements for membership, they can become members and share in the many benefits that it brings. Some of these include governance and legal guidance, as well as and protection under the SAIA name and association.

SAIA also investigates and assists with any complaints lodged against a member and places a strong focus on education to assist its members, as well as consumers to prevent misunderstandings in future. Members also have access to an auction community with several affordable marketing and communication platforms available to members only, such as the SAIA website, buyer’s database, social media, direct marketing and publicity.

Importantly, in today’s changing world, the institute plays a pivotal role in assisting members to understand and implement new trends and business practices. Advice, assistance, mentorship opportunities, tips and tricks, as well as networking opportunities are available through fellow auctioneers and industry experts.

Growing stronger

“As a result of the phenomenal support that SAIA can offer, we have been fortunate to substantially grow our membership in recent years and even last year during the height of lockdown were able to still sign up more members. We currently have 137 registered auction companies on our books with a further 246 individuals registered. 

“We offer two types of membership namely a corporate membership for the auction company to be registered and then the principals / directors / auctioneers / employees of the auction company also register in their personal capacity as a professional designation. With a national network of auctioneers, our services are available in all provinces and across the country,” Jacques concludes.

In order to gain the status of becoming a SAIA registered auctioneer member all information and documentation on becoming a member can be obtained from SAIA’s website, or by contacting Sonja Styger on (021) 813 6342, WhatsApp 081 410 2611 or email: [email protected]


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Auction 24

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